In 1992, the company launched its first GSM handset and then introduced their famous Nokia Tune in 1994. During that year, the world’s first satellite was made using a Nokia GSM handset.
In 1997 the world famous mobile game “Snake” was presented in the Nokia 6110. Soon after, in 1998, the company became the world leader in mobile phones. Following a good deal of research, they launched the first mobile phone “Nokia 7110” which included a WAP.
Nokia Now:
Presently, Nokia is creating more and more mobiles phones with differing functions. The company also makes sure into diversifying and segmenting its products. Their leading position pushed the company to go forward in their research. They came up with the first 3G Phone in 2002, and the multi-player Nokia N-Gage. In 2005, the N-series were born with their sophisticated mobile phones.
In 2006, Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo became the new CEO of Nokia and Jorma Ollila shifted to being the Chairman of Nokia’s board. At that time Nokia and Siemens announced plans for Nokia siemens network the leading operations of Nokia. In 2007, Nokia launched its new internet services brand.
In order to achieve its goals, Nokia developed strategies. These strategies differ from country to another, from a culture to another. Companies are always creating a vision and a mission statement to make everything tacit. Evidently, Nokia has set up its specific missions and visions.
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